Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What NOT to Do when You Send in your Resume by Patty DeDominic

How to guarantee that you will have to work harder for your next job:

Make plenty of dumb mistakes when you respond to ads or referrals for jobs you think you might like to interview with!

Some of you know that I conduct searches for executives from time to time. At Select Staffing they do it thousands of times a day....and at PDQ we sent over a quarter of a million people out to work! Mind boggling isn't it? Especially when you realize I started PDQ when I was in my late 20's.... what nerve I had to think I could build a leading employment firm!
Today I no longer working for any one employer yet I get to count many fantastic employers and organizational leaders among my clients. I am going to tell you the two most common mistakes job seekers make when responding to openings and advertisements.
1. Failure to read the instructions and follow directions.
2. Thinking that their first salvo was sufficient.
Here are some tips:
1. Carefully Read the Ad and PLEASE send a customized cover letter or customized resume to the employer. If you are applying for a not for profit leadership may have to modify your corporate lingo. (go read the mission statement of the employer before you send in your resume)
2. Follow up..... follow up, follow up! Don't nag, but do follow up. Your first response may have ended up in the spam folder, gotten buried or overlooked. Many times the first round of candidates can get knocked out and the recruiters may start all over. Your tenacity in follow up, your continued enthusiasm and your gentle nudges (not nags) can work in your favor. You can also (unless specific told not to) reach out to board members, and professional references and colleagues who might put in a good word for you.
If you would like a free copy of the book HARRY SAYS, send me an email and I will happily send you
a free copy of the book or a link so that you can purchase the book if I have run out.

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