Friday, October 23, 2009

David Harder Asks, Is it the End of the Road for the JOB?

Is it the end of the road for the job?

 We really believe it's a good to start preparing for it.
 In 1970, Alvin Toffler wrote the groundbreaking book, "Future Shock."
 In it, he talked about how technology would so transform the workplace that one day, we'd look back a hundred years and feel badly for those poor people that felt jobs were the best way to work and make a living. He described how, "Future shock is also the shattering stress and disorientation that we induce in individuals by subjecting them to too much change in too short a time."

In the early 80's, I was selling temporary help to companies in Downtown Los Angeles. We were no longer selling the scenario of replacing the secretary on vacation. We were telling companies they were overstaffed. "Cut back to the bare bones. When your workload increases, bring in temps to help meet your targets."

In September, 1994, Fortune Magazine stunned the business world with the words, "The End of the Job as a way of organizing work, it is a social artifact that has outlived its usefulness. Its demise confronts everyone with unfamiliar risks -- and rich opportunities. We used to read predictions that by 2000 everyone would work 30-hour weeks and the rest would be leisure. But as we approached the mini-recession of 2000 more of us were working 60 hour weeks and the rest were unemployed. Now, in 2009, it is clear that as the economy improves jobs will continue to disappear. Many will look for someone to blame.

We can make it a little more simple if we place a very large "RIP" over the industrial revolution.
 We've been crying over the broken employment agreement now for over twenty years.
Get over it! It's getting moldy!

Last year, a client asked me to give a final screening to a very senior executive. The CEO walked in as I asked the last question, "What is the biggest professional mistake you made and what did you learn from it?" The CEO asked me, "How would you have answered the question?" I said, "The biggest mistake I ever made was to take a job." "Expert" brings so much baggage with it, but after twenty years of facilitating thousands of people, I've accumulated a little knowledge. I believe we are headed back to becoming a "merchant & cobbler" society but this time we're armed with technology connecting us to work and to acquire sales opportunities - often in just minutes.

Today, one of the most often questions asked on Google is, "When will jobs return?"   and the most common answer, "Never."

Are people like me to blame? No. Those of us that allow our fear to scare us away from learning the very skills that would give us options - - they are not to blame but they sure will be in trouble.

Want to become resilient?
Take a course that changes your conditioning and beliefs.

Want to make a living? Instead of sitting at home waiting for the phone to ring or working for that crummy job that you outgrew years ago, learn some important life skills:

1. Take as much as sales training as possible. Hours each week if you can swing it. Learn how to sell anything.

2. Join Toastmasters and learn how to speak to people rather than yelling at them about their quotas and to cut more expenses.

3. Become a sophisticated social networker capable of getting any information you need to become successful. We are proud of our presence at Facebook - brings us more business every month! It's DavidWilliamHarder and we have an Inspired Work Alumni Group. We are now designing a curriculum on how to build a multi-national company on Facebook without spending a cent.

4. Take something within that you love doing and find a way to make a living with it. Darn, it will always include selling.

5. Build a new community around you filled with skilled advisors, supporters and reliable sources of information. Jack Canfield said, "You are the average of the five people you share the most time with." When I head that I had to get an immediate massage.

5. Draw as much positive attention to you as possible. Take an acting class. Most people draw only enough attention to themselves so they won't starve. The highly successful get attention all the time and even better? They give it; Giving high quality attention is the very foundation of charisma.

Fifteen years after I left, my last boss was very hurt when I told her taking a job was a mistake. She is an extraordinary soul and I worked for the best. But I could already feel the writing on the wall and I didn't like taking orders.

 In front of us is an opportunity. Those who get there first will win.

 Take the months ahead and learn how to sell what you love and what you enjoy.
 Take advantage of the opportunities in front of the changes, don't focus on running from the change itself. One of the best quotes from Alvin Toffler: "Change is not merely necessary to life - it is life."

All the best,

David Harder



How much would your life improve if you loved your work? How would that happiness improve your personal life? If you have children, what kind of role model would you become?

Over 80% of American Workers don't like what they do for a living. Inspired Work participants, over the course of 19 years indicate the opposite: Over 80% of our graduates love their work.

For two days, we engage the heart, mind and soul of each participant in finding practical solutions for being happy with their work, financially successful, fulfilled and in leading lives of meaning. We have found the structure that leads any work, from any way of life, to full success.

Over 35,000 graduates have proven the program works. We promise you will walk out of the program with a renewed, reinvented, exciting and successful new journey with your work and hence, your life.

"I took your program in 2005. At that session, I decided to start a business focused on how to manage talent. I launched the company in June and with my business partner wrote the book that makes our case, "Enlightenment Incorporated - Creating Companies our Kids Would be Proud to Work For.


THE DATES: Friday & Saturday, November 6 & 7 at the Luxe Summit (Los Angeles)

Friday & Saturday, December 4 & 5 at Media Training Worldwide's training facilities (Manhattan)



Jess Todfeld interviews David Harder to discuss why this program is so effective, how it was developed and how it transforms workers.

Click Here:


Watch David on "Million Dollar Listing" with Bravo TV - Monday at 10 p.m.



The one common skill that is common amongst people who are wildly successful, is in their ability to move people and create action through the spoken word. Now you can quickly and easily learn the secrets of those who are leaders, those who know how to motivate, those who seem to rise up in their field. While doing it, you'll learn how to become more comfortable, confident, quick on your feet, free of "ums" and "ahs."

We have arranged to have Media Training Worldwide, the #1 media and presentation skills training company, offer their top of the line program to our clients in November. They will be coming to Los Angeles to deliver this one-day signature programs (back to back with their Media Training program.) This one day programs are vastly superior to most two-day events. This is accomplished through a revolutionary curriculum, skilled facilitators, continuous engagement, and 1 year of follow-up services (no extra charge) to keep your skills improving instead of diminishing.

During the course of the day, you will learn how to be completely comfortable speaking and presenting to others. This will not be a day-long lecture. You will be able to practice these techniques numerous times during the day. Through the use of video playback, you will be able to make the adjustments necessary to leave with a new set of skills. While the idea of being videotaped or practicing with others might provoke discomfort, consider what will happen to your life if you traded in that fear for confidence. This is confidence to make that presentation that could lead to your promotion, confidence to turn your new book into a bestseller, confidence to promote your business to hundreds at a time rather than one at a time.

The one day Inspired Presentations Program gives you the opportunity to learn a great deal with minimal time and economic investment.

THE DATE: Friday, November 20 at the beautiful Luxe Summit Hotel (Los Angeles)

Media Training – For TV, Print, Radio & the Web

Shine in your next media appearance and...

Get the quotes you want - in tomorrow's news!

Speaking to the media is a much different skill than public speaking. The media can slice and dice anything you say. How do you gain CONTROL during an interview and get the exact messages you want into the piece? Media Training Worldwide, has specific systems to teach proper body language, messaging, answer techniques, and sound bite creation.

This 1-day special program will go far beyond the traditional lecture. Everyone in the class will put the techniques into practice right away. Each participant will practice on-camera a minimum of 8 times. In this safe learning environment, you will have the chance to get better and better each time you practice. The average person may take a year or more to give 8 interviews. Imagine waiting a year to be able to build on what you learned? That would be disastrous. We don’t want that. We want you to leave this interactive workshop with a brand new set of skills.

This workshop has a long track record of improving confidence, helping people to look calmer, more comfortable, be in control of their words or messages. You’ll end this day being able to speak in sound bites but never have someone accuse you or spot that you’ve been trained.

This one day Media Training program gives you the opportunity to learn a great deal with minimal time and economic investment.

THE DATE: Saturday, November 21 at the beautiful Luxe Summit Hotel (Los Angeles)


November Six (Media Skills)

November Twelve & Thirteen (Advance Media Skills)

December Seven & Eight (Public Speaking)

December Ten & Eleven (Public Speaking)

December Twelve & Thirteen (Public Speaking

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Writers Wanted!

Katheryn Greenaway is writing a book and she would love to have some of your wisdom
if you wish to be a contributor.


Having clocked my 40th revolution around the sun, it is time to move ideas out of my head and into the world. I quit my job and am putting all my energy into collaborating in the creation of goods which have a positive impact.

The first project is to gather authentic experiences to create an inspirational anthology of collective wisdom, an offering of guidance for the dads of tomorrow in the care of their daughters.

Literature has the power to transform the way we see ourselves, the world, and our place in it.*

Women writers, ages one to one hundred, are sought to share a real life account of how their father has shaped their life.

Details are located at


****DEADLINE is November 15, 2009****

Would you please help me make this dream into a reality?

I invite you to please share this request with all the women in your life.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Black Swans in YOUR Future? Elfren Sicangco Cruz on Risk Management

By Elfren Sicangco Cruz

New world of risk management

In the new world of enterprise risk management (ERM), the term "Black Swans" refers to unlikely but potentially devastating risks that should merit, but often do not receive, board-level attention like the closure of Lehman Brothers, the AIG meltdown, and the Madoff-scale frauds.

It is true that low probability, high-impact events are almost impossible to predict. In fact, none of the forecasting models, think tanks, and business forums predicted the depth of the current financial meltdown in the West and the global economic recession.

However, this economic crisis has made it more important to reduce the impact on the business firm of threats we don’t understand. According to Taleb, Goldstein, and Spitznage in a recent Harvard Business Review article:
"Because of the Internet and globalization, the world has become a complex system, made up of a tangled web of relationships and other interdependent factors. Complexity not only increases the incidence of Black Swan events but also makes forecasting even ordinary events impossible. All we can predict is that companies that ignore Black Swan events will go under.

"Instead of trying to anticipate low-probability, high-impact events, we should reduce our vulnerability to them. Risk management, we believe, should be about lessening the impact of what we don’t understand — not a futile attempt to develop sophisticated techniques and stories that perpetuate illusions of being able to understand and predict the social and economic environment."

Lapses in ERM have resulted in significant losses and even bankruptcies for companies in different industries and countries all over the world. Among them are toy factories in China, software companies in India, investment banks in the United States, and commercial banks in Finland and the UK.

For the still uninformed, the traditional definition of enterprise risk management, sometimes referred to as integrated risk management, is as follows: "A comprehensive and integrated framework for managing credit risk, market risk, operational risk, economic capital and risk transfers in order to maximize firm value."(Lam)
James Lam, in his book Enterprise Risk Management: From Incentives to Controls, published in 2003, five years before the ongoing global economic crisis, identified what he called seven "key lessons" for risk management:

Know your business.

Establish checks and balances.

Set limits and boundaries.

* Keep your eye on the cash.

Use the right yardstick.

Pay for the performance you want.

Balance the yin and yang.

In ERM, the hard side (yin) focuses on processes, systems, and reporting. The soft side (yang) focuses on the people, skills, culture, values, and incentives.

While risks come in all shapes and sizes, risk professionals generally recognize three major types. Operational risk is the risk that people, processes, or systems will fail or that an external event (e.g., earthquake, fire, floods) will negatively impact the company. Market risk is the risk that prices will move in a way that has negative consequences for a company. Credit risk is the risk that a customer, counterparty, or supplier will fail to meet its obligations.
Other types of risks have also been suggested. Business risk is the risk that future operating results may not meet its expectations. Organizational risk is the risk that arises from a badly designed organizational structure or lack of sufficient human resources. Also cultural risks and reputational risks are viewed either as part of operational risks or as separate forms of risks.

Now in the midst of the ongoing global crisis, Taleb, Goldstein, and Spitznagel have written what could be a new framework for risk management. The article’s title is "The Six Mistakes Executives Make in Risk Management." According to them these are:

1. We think we can manage risk by predicting extreme events. One, we have an abysmal record of predicting Black Swan events. Two, by focusing our attention on a few extreme scenarios, we neglect other possibilities. In the process we become more vulnerable.

2. We are convinced that studying the past will help us manage the risk. You often hear risk managers use the excuse "This is unprecedented." They assume that if they try hard enough, they can find precedents for anything and predict everything. But Black Swan events don’t have precedents. In addition, today’s world does not resemble the past.

3. Recommendations of the "don’t" kind are usually more robust than "dos." Positive advice is the province of the charlatan. The business sections in bookstores are full of "success stories." There are far fewer tomes about failure.
4. We assume that risk can be measured by standard deviation. Used extensively in finance as a measure of investment risk, standard deviation should not be used in risk management.... Anyone looking for a single number to represent risk is inviting disaster.
5. We don’t appreciate that what’s mathematically equivalent isn’t psychologically so. Providing a best-case scenario usually increases the appetite for risk. Always look for different ways in which risk can be presented to ensure that you aren’t being taken in by the framing of the math.
6. We are taught that efficiency and maximizing the shareholder value don’t tolerate redundancy. In companies, redundancy consists of apparent inefficiency: idle capacities, unused parts, and money that isn’t put to work. The opposite is leverage , which we are taught is good. It isn’t; debt makes companies — and the economic system — fragile. If you are highly leveraged, you could go under if your company misses a sales forecast, interest rates change or other risks crop up.

Time will tell whether there will indeed be a new ERM framework. In the meantime, for general managers and risk managers, welcome to the new world of risk management which is increasingly becoming dominated by Black Swans.

Elfren S. Cruz is a professor of Strategic Management at the Ramon V. del Rosario Sr. Graduate School of Business, College of Business & Economics, De La Salle University. E-mail comments to

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Executives Need Media Skills Today, Jeannette Paladino

Winning Media Interviews,
Part I: Ten Most Common Mistakes in Dealing With the Media

More than ever before, executives are being called on to represent their organizations in backgrounders, briefings and interviews with reporters from the print, broadcast and online media. These discussions offer an excellent opportunity to tell a positive story about the organization and its products and services.

Every discussion is different depending on the length, format, reporter’s style and whether he or she is working for a print publication, radio/TV station or online media outlet. A reporter with a monthly magazine generally will have the time to explore a subject more thoroughly than an on-air TV reporter who, more often than not, is simply seeking a juicy “sound bite.” With the advent of the Internet, the news cycle is now 24/7 and an executive may be called at any time of the day or night for a quote.

In every case, executives increase their chances of being included in a story by using techniques regarding form and content that can be learned and practiced and avoiding these common mistakes:

  1. Replying “No Comment.” No comment translates to “guilty as charged.” The reply is used most frequently when the responder has bad news. You are under no obligation to give out information that would be damaging to you or your company. However, a response like “I can’t discuss the matter at this time, because of SEC regulations” accomplishes the same thing.

2.   Not Being Prepared. You need to have your facts and figures at your fingertips prior to the interview.

3.   Repeating a Negative. Your response: “Yes, earnings are down, but we made a capital investment of $50 in the quarter to expand our production capacity to meet consumer demand.” What is written: “Yes, earnings are down.” Some notable quotes: President Richard Nixon: “ I want the American people to know their President is not a crook.” Jessica Hahn: “I am not a bimbo.” Bank regulator: “We were not asleep at the switch.”

4.  Being Late to an Interview. Reporters are on tight schedules. If you are late (either by phone, in person, or online), besides irritating the reporter, you reduce your chances of getting in all your key messages. Being late to a live television interview is fatal to the relationship.

5. Restricting Your Answer to the Question. You don’t have to narrowly respond to a question with a “yes” or “no.” Use the opportunity to “bridge” from the question to offer information that will broaden the reporter’s understanding and knowledge of your company and its offerings.

6.  Ignoring the Question. You must acknowledge the question, but you can say, “It’s not a simple yes or no, but let me tell you about how our company is addressing this is important public policy issue.”

7.  Not Returning Phone Calls or Emails. This is a cardinal sin, especially if a reporter is on deadline. Return all phone calls and emails (and text messages) as soon as possible, even if you know you’ll be asked questions you’d rather avoid. Otherwise, you’ll find reporters not returning your phone calls or emails.

8.   Using Jargon. Not every reporter is knowledgeable about your industry and its acronyms. Use language in terms that are understandable to a layman.

9.    Lying. Never lie to the press. They can always find out the truth from another source or by searching the Internet.

10.   Dribbling Out Bad News. The cardinal rule is to get all the bad information out at once. Do not dribble out morsels one at a time as this is guaranteed to keep the bad news in front of the public until all the bad news is out — and it will come out.

Jeannette Paladino

Business Writer helping companies to be more effective in selling their ideas through clear, compelling language.Greater New York City Area
Principal & Founder at Write Speak Sell

Monday, October 5, 2009

Timely Tips for College Students You are a Beautiful Work in Progress!

You are a gorgeous Work In Progress... did you know that?      Think about the end result you wish to create and think about the experiences you wish to have along the way. You CAN make them happen.

There are many things you can do to increase the chances of finding a job with a good company once you graduate.   The ideas and actions that you start rolling now will be of help to you as you advance your network, your skills and your knowledge base.  Some college students feel great frustration, almost in a
"Catch 22" since they may not have work experience and all the jobs appear to ask for some sort of work experience.   How are you supposed to get work experience if no one will give you that first job?

Yikes..... this can be frustrating until you understand that you can create some of your own great job experiences and future references by your volunteering and community activities.   Get smart about using volunteer opportunities to serve not only your community, your hoby or social interests but also your career.   Start Volunteering for strategic opportunities with people and projects that will give you related experience or contacts!

Here are  more tips on what to do to increase your chances of  getting called back on interviews and landing offers:

(1) Work or intern for a company in an industry related to your area of interest / college major

You can gain work experience in college either through jobs or internships. Internships are great because they allow you to try out different work environments and types of work so you have a good idea of the type of job you want to obtain once you graduate. The relevant work experience you gain through internships or volunteer opportunities will give you something to put on your resume and will make you more of an asset to a company compared to other graduates who may have great GPAs but lack work experience. Ideally, the company you intern for will offer you a job once you graduate, if not your supervisor will at least serve as a good reference. While it may be tempting to make more money bar-tending or in a retail job, participating in unpaid or low paid jobs/internships gives you relevant work experience which is the key to finding a job once you graduate. It is much better to be an intern when you are a college student instead of interning once you graduate because you can’t find a decent job due to lack of relevant work experience.

(2) Get involved in leadership roles in college clubs/organizations

Build your skills and contacts by being involved.  "Act like a HOST, not like a guest" is what noted career coach, Dr. Adele Scheele tells people in her books, Making College Pay Off and   Skills for Success.
You should also get involved in leadership roles in clubs and organizations on campus. Companies like to see that you have developed leadership skills in college so these experiences will definitely be something you can include on your resume.

(3) Utilize your college career center to find jobs/internships and to practice interviews

Your college career center has many resources to offer. Not only do they assist you in finding jobs and internships both while you are in school and once you graduate, but they also will conduct practice job interviews . This will help you feel more comfortable and know what to expect when you go in for an actual job interview. Often expert resources come and make presentations or make themselves available for mentoring of students.  Take advantage of this practice and of this chance to build your network.

(4) Attend college career fairs

Please  attend career fairs when your school hosts them.  You will expand your network and you will have the opportunity to speak with companies who are hiring new grads in your area.    This is a great start to getting your resume out there for your job search and a chance to get in person feedback and meet referral sources.

No one can truly predict when the economy will turn around but YOU CAN create more and better opportunities for yourself by making some strategic decisions about your volunteer and intern work.   Each professional connection can open doors for you later in life.
   Best of luck to you 

  Patty De

Friday, October 2, 2009

Cassandra Lee on Improving Your Efficiency & Effectiveness

Following are the four organizational techniques that will help you to elevate your level of efficiency in your workplace or business environment:


File to find information quickly means that you will categorize your files by subject (e.g. vendor, project) to find the information you need fast. It doesn’t matter if you are organizing file folders or e-mail folders, it is important to categorize your folders appropriately so that you can file and find information quickly. Of course, following the rules for alphabetizing and even using color-coded files will help you to clearly delineate one file from the next so that you can find the information you need when you need it.


Use a 31-day tickler file to manage your tasks, assignments and projects. A 31-day tickler file will help you to see more distinctively your upcoming deadline dates. It is a physical, visual reminder that will keep you on schedule to meet your upcoming deadlines. Whether you use a brown accordion folder with 12 file folders for the months and 31 file folders for the days of the month or a 1-31 file sorter, using a 31-day tickler file will keep in plain sight the tasks, assignments and projects that you must put your attention to immediately.


Work from a clean desk gives you a clutter-free space in which to work and think. Yes, I know there are some of you who like the “organized chaos” method because having the piles and stacks of disarray make you – in your opinion – work more productively. Yet, try to clear an open space for yourself in which to focus solely on the task at hand. Don’t just make it a clean desk, make the surrounding work space (i.e. space in which you will need to maneuver to place your documents, retrieve your files, use your stapler, and get paper clips) clean, as well. Removing the clutter and working from a clean desk will enhance your ability to think more clearly, logically and strategically; thereby improving your efficiency.


Complete most important tasks first to increase your productivity in your day. Creating a to-do list of what must be done in your day will give you a snapshot of where you must put your time, energy and effort in your day. But what are the really most important tasks that you must accomplish in your day? Ask yourself, “What must I make certain I get done before I leave the office today?” The answers to this question will highlight for you those tasks that are most important and should be the tasks you spend the time and effort completing first. Once you have the most important tasks accomplished, you’ll be able to put your energy and effort into completing the other tasks on your list.

In short, the four tips provided in this article are provided as a way to help you enhance and elevate your organizational skills so that you can increase your level of efficiency for your company or entrepreneurial endeavors. Try them out and see how your efficiency improves.

Cassandra Lee Operates
SSANEE Training & Consulting Group

Chicago, Illinois
