Thursday, June 4, 2009

Murad S. Mirza Answers Important Questions from Popular Linked In Discussions

Q1. What are the top five 2009 recession proof activities (or skills to enhance) to ensure long-term employment sustainability?

(John Golden, Linkedin Member)

Ans: I don't think any measure will ensure long term employment sustainability since it depends on too many things going one's way at the micro and macro level, e.g., jobs staying within the same country, survival of businesses despite advances in technology that open new frontiers, companies making wise and timely business decisions, employees prioritizing their commitments between work & family, families adjusting to unfamiliar environment, geo-political scenarios, connectivity of world markets, etc. Furthermore, it also depends on the employee's level and profession, e.g., the situation will vary for a manual worker, machinist, HR Manager, Marketing Manager, Consultant, CEO, etc.

However, certain activities and/or skills can definitely secure a more solid footing in turbulent times and my top 5 will be:

1. Keep the BOSS HAPPY
2. NETWORK like there's no tomorrow
3. UPDATE your professional CREDENTIALS
4. Be prepared to SACRIFICE CERTAIN BENEFITS/PERKS, e.g., staying in a particular location

Q2. Should Organization Development be part of Human Resources function at corporate / enterprise level or be an independent function? (Eric Patki, Linkedin Member)

Ans: We need to first understand the type & size of organization, in which, such a decision needs to be made. Many of the smaller businesses simply can't afford to have another node within the organization reporting directly to the CEO/COO and are quite content with OD under HR. Furthermore, CEOs generally tend to perform well when they have the least amount of reports to ensure their focus on the 'Big Picture' and not be bogged down in playing a referee for sorting out functional rivalries. The semantics of setting up specialized functions can also open a Pandora's Box, since, it can establish a precedence for other emerging/established specialties, e.g., Change Management. I would advocate that it doesn't matter how a function is organized within a business as long as the aims & objectives of the respective function are consistently being met. We do have to be mindful of increasing bureaucracy & complexity on the pretext of functional accommodation

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