Thursday, June 26, 2008

Dear Friends

It’s been a year and a half since I sold my staffing business and I’m now hearing the call to update a book we published in 1996 called The New World of Work.

The latest edition called, The NEW, New World of Work, will give job seekers guiding principles, tips and advice to help navigate the twists and turns of the increasingly complex career highway. Our prime target market is recent college grads however we hope the newest version of the NEW New World of Work will benefit by YOUR input and be of assistance to anyone making career decisions and job changes.

Will you please become an important contributor to the book? It’s easy and will take less than 2 minutes if you are in a hurry! Just click on the link: http://thenewnewworldofwork. /Research.html You will find several surveys; please fill out the one most appropriate and e-mail to me or fax to: 805-565-4166. Your response can be kept anonymously and will be instrumental in helping make the most impact.

Thanking you in advance and looking forward to hearing from you.

Patty DeDominic


DW1575 said...


What advice would you have for someone in transition-i.e. someone looking to make a career change. It seems like this might be a tough economy in which to contemplate transitions. Any thoughts?

Patty DeDominic said...

Patty De responds:
Career Transitions can be stressful in any economy however now is a great time for new beginnings. There are 3 keys I give to career changers:
1. Discover your passions and try to make a career doing what you love.
2. Money follows passion, performance and experience. Deliver well to your clients or employers and your pay will contintually rise.
3. Manage your boss/clients/others expectations..... doing well depends on the "beholder" so remember that what seems like you doing a great job to you is your opinion, not a fact. Test your boss's satisfaction level, or test your clients contentedness with your services before you deposit their "good will"

Tom said...

After working in the automotive industry for over twenty years and being recently laid off due to cost cuts, what advice would you give to an adult in their mid-50's looking for employment? How can one stay current in today's job market at this age?

Patty DeDominic said...

Patty De responds to Tom:
As you know, many industries are in complete chaos and major transitions, so you are not alone.

First, take an inventory of your passions, your special talents & accomplishments. Knowing who you are and what makes your heart sing is a great first step.

Next, review your budget to determine what flexibility and time you have; no savings might mean taking the next job offered, large savings gives you plenty of time to shop and get your resume and wish list together.

Always keep learning, almost everything is available for free on the internet today so you can learn at home at the community college and via virtual universities too.
Once you have a commitment to continuous learning you are automatically a more robust career candidate, mid fifties are the new forties, you know!

Talk to people in the growth industries in your state/region. Certain financial services,public works projects, not for profits and community service are almost always recession proof.

If you have sufficient reserves to last for a year, consider starting your own business. Survey the local businesses (particularly in your passion areas) to find unmet needs. Franchises have a higher success rate and many have good financial help to get started. It doesn't take magic to start your own profit making business.. but it does take passion and customers willing to pay for what you can deliver. Enterprises are started by passionate people who have found a need and filled it. I know you have great Quality & Design skills: With such beautiful & intelligent daughters as you have, no doubt customers are just waiting to have your new company take care of them! smile

Mitch Cardoza said...

Hi Fellow Staffing Industry & HR Professionals~ My name is Mitch Cardoza. Patty DeDominic was my boss and mentor in the staffing industry for many years. I remember when she published the 1st book - still have a copy of it somewhere. I am still in the staffing industry today but in the outsourcing and workforce consulting space. My suggestion to Patty would be to focus on the globalization of the job market...great jobs for talented people are still available even in hard economic times IF job seekers are prepared to expand their horizons. Job seekers must not only be prepared from a competency and educational stand point but also from a global/ cultural perspective. This theme would fit in quite nicely in the new edition. Also, Patty has always been a networking guru - I know I learned some great lessons from her. Today, networking has been automated by technology and can become, texting, social networking sites, business networking sites, gaming, Second Life, LinkedIn, Facebook, Myspace - getting your name out there has never been faster/ easier - BUT how does one manage and leverage these tools to engage true opportunities? How does one stand out in a HUGE virtual crowd? Any other topics that Patty should cover in her new book? Let's all try and contribute ideas or content. Mitch Cardoza

Unknown said...

Dear Patty:

Our work is with the transition of high school youth to their next life step in education or the workplace, and our nonprofit is call the Segue Career Guidance Program. So many of your posts also fit for our young people. We believe that, somewhat different from the traditional model, we must motivate youth from inside themselves.

Segue has found gold in each community in the form of the wisdom and experiences of those in the everyday workplace. Imbued with the spirit of caring mentors, these volunteer speakers come into classrooms to excite and inspire and motivate students about career paths from science to math to construction to healthcare. Students "hear" them a way they can't hear their own parents.

Students see a path that appeals to them for a career, or they learn that more education opens more options, and they want this for themselves. These live presentations ignite in youth their own internal engines and can catapult them forward. The process is similar to when a young person wants a bicycle and the family budget cannot provide it. That youth finds a way! He/she mows lawns, walks dogs, baby-sits, washes cars. Segue is empowering to youth in a similar way, both bringing them the knowledge of what is out there and the idea that they can have it if they are willing to pay their dues and do good work.

Patty DeDominic said...

Please do go to the site and pull a survey.

We are conducting interviews for the update of the New New World of Work and quotes are coming from those who are part of the summer of 08 research which is in full swing. Book will be in print and on line in Nov of 08!

Anonymous said...

Patty, is there still time to complete the survey for your book? What is the deadline?

Patty DeDominic said...

YES! there is still time to fill our the survey. We are closing input for the book at the end of October 2008. However we continue to gather research to keep our presentations as up to date as possible.

We are also watching for changes and trends in employment and your feelings about the job/career scene.

Patty DeDominic said...

Career transitions can be scarey. Jerry Beckerman says his website at offers some step by step guidance for career navigators.

Patty De

Patty DeDominic said...

"The Coming Pink Slip Epidemic"
“After trimming poor performers, companies will cut in areas not considered essential to operations, such as marketing, communications, and human resources.” Nancy Albertini, chairman of Albertini Group, an executive search firm based in Dallas.

Source: "The Coming Pink Slip Epidemic" Business Week October 21, 2008

Patty DeDominic said...

"The Coming Pink Slip Epidemic"
“After trimming poor performers, companies will cut in areas not considered essential to operations, such as marketing, communications, and human resources.” Nancy Albertini, chairman of Albertini Group, an executive search firm based in Dallas.

Source: "The Coming Pink Slip Epidemic" Business Week October 21, 2008