Friday, January 23, 2009

Innovation and Creativity on the Job, from EMTrain emzine, Workplace News

This month's informative issue of the E-Zine on Workplace Issues reports on some recent court cases that prove once again that reality can be stranger than fiction!
I encourage you to check out this valuable resource and find this story and others at They offer some free resources including employer briefings and all managers can stay up to date with their comprehensive webinars and news.

Here's one of our favorites.... demonstrating Innovation and Creativity

Reprinted with permission from EMTrain emzine:

WACKY AWARDS I kid you not!!

The “Think What He Could Do If He Showed This
Kind of Determination On The Job” Award:
Presented to a man in Washington State who had his friend shoot him in the shoulder so he could take some time off work and avoid a drug test. The man initially told police he had been involved in a drive by shooting but later admitted what had really happened. His friend, the shooter, has now been charged with reckless endangerment and the shooting “victim” has been charged with filing a false police report. No word on how this has affected his job status, but we do need to admit the guy’s got determination. If these are the lengths he’ll go to for a day off, we definitely don’t want to be up against him for a promotion.

Got your own wacky stories? Let us hear about them.

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