Monday, November 19, 2012

Recruiting Top Talent Ideas from Patty DeDominic

Tips on Recruiting Professionals  from Patty DeDominic
Business Coach to High Achieving Financial, Educational Institutions and entrepreneurial companies and non profits.     

 DeDominic is the former CEO and Founder of and owner of CT Engineering  (professional  recruiting firms)

Finding the Right Talent in 2013 becomes a Critical Business Function.

Corporations with business opportunities will need to refine their recruiting skills, and put
out their welcome mats for top talent.  If you are a hiring manager, review this checklist and give us your comments below.

First Steps to Hiring Great Employees, Attracting Top Talent

·          Write up a good job description, defining critical skills and job requirements.  Identify Must-Haves, and nice- to- haves. Document for your internal communication systems for this job going forward. Called a UBS - universal business system.

·         Identify what the company will and will not do in relocation benefits to employees.   UBS that for the recruiter.
  •      Review your Company website to make sure it is inviting to the best future employees aka  "Trophy Job Candidates" 
  •      Ask yourself, would YOU want to work at the company you see on your website?  Top candidates want to know: Can they afford me?  Will I enjoy the people?   Will this company still be in business in a year or two?   Does the company provide career growth for me and security for my family?  Will I find the work stimulating or boring?
  •  Your Website should give new eyes positive messages and in some ways answer all these questions to your top candidates.   if it is tired, discerning candidates will see that.
  •         Write up your Job Posting  (help wanted ad)  and Cast a wide net. 
  •        Let your current employees know what you need.     Consider offering referral fees for hired employees.   Everybody wins with referral fees paid to existing employees.
  •    Consider placing your ad in the traditional places PLUS  your trade association, alumni offices, career centers at all educational institutions, chamber of commerce
  •        Get creative too:  Your mayor's office, congressman's or governor's office all like to help constituents build and grow jobs.   Ask for their referrals.
  •        Use  Linked In, Craig's list, other sites local to your geography and to your industry.    List five places to place this "ad" then think of a5-10 more places to put this out there.   
  •       Unless this is a confidential opening, this is good PR for your company.  It says we are growing and we are a great place to work.    It will help with general Image Enhancement and building community and industry good will.      
  •         Consider professional recruiting firms, or a by the hour contract recruiter if you have more than 3 important people to bring on board in any quarter.   Your time is worth more than the   $50-90 per hour you will pay a skilled recruiter.
  •      Screen based on your Must-Have lists.  Consider one or two email exchanges to see how candidates present themselves, learn if they follow instructions and act interested (or desperate?)
  •      Use Skype for preliminary one on ones not just out of town candidates. Its free to you and saves time for everyone)
  •         Clearly explain your priorities, organizational culture and mission not just the job to the candidates.
  •          Consider having team mates also interview the candidates or sit in on Skype meetings.
  •      Listen to your gut as well as follow your critical skills UBS list.
  •       After you have an accepted offer, agree on start day, pay, time for review of performance.
  •       Review employees performance several times in the first 30 days to ensure they and you are tracking as expected.  

·         Trust but verify, as you Inspect what you EXPECT from new employees.    They can't read your mind and you want to learn what's on theirs.    

·         Know that the more you hire  the better you will get.    The more people who see what you do for your community and for employees, the more referrals you will get.

·         Nothing is as expensive as "cheap" help.  Hire for the company you visualize in the best future.  Call us for a free no obligation consultation should you wish to discuss your situation.  
Patty De   805 453 7490 

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