Overview of the 5
Strategic Marketing Decisions
Choice of target
Choice of product or
service to focus on selling.
Choice of business
Choice of pricing.
5. Choice
of positioning and branding.
It you haven't thought of yourself as an enterprise, consider doing so. Consider who is your ideal target market (insert employer or industry? If you are a job candidate, it is local or national business? Large or small employer? In a growing industry, filled with lots of demand for your continued growth or is it in a declining industry which will call on your resourcefulness and implementing tried and true strategies of the past?
Choice of Pricing is important too for job hunters, are you the low price model or the guy with deep expertise and premium price? Your communications and methods of connecting with potential employers will depend on your answers to the above.
Branding is also important for job hunters and when you are clearer on items 1-4 above you will be able to get a better picture of the brand called YOU, Inc.
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Build a Business, Not a Job?
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Good luck as you are preparing your business or your career for growth. As always, you are free to take advantage of our expertise for a free 25 minute consultation at any time. Feel free to click the link above for your free (no obligation) copy of the book or call me 805 453-7490
Patty DeDominic