Thursday, December 18, 2008

Servant Leadership

The Servant Warrior Leader’s battle ground is an internal struggle for power. Each time we act in a way that moves us through a fear, habit or perception toward a desired result the internal rewards we receive are greater … courage, confidence, grace, respect, calm, clarity, wisdom, inspiration and connectedness. The external rewards are better results, in less time and more fun as we develop deeper ‘trusted advisor’ relationships with those we serve.

Thank you for your servant-warrior leadership.

In Leadership,

Phil Johnson,
Authentic Leadership™ Coach, Lecturer, Author & Speaker
Bus: 905-272-5690 Cell: 416-729-7445 Skype: MBLCoach

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was Conrad Hilton the founder of the world famous Hilton chain of hotels who said, “Success is made to order.” He was right – for an achievement is a sum total of many things – talent, aptitude, knowledge and desire. If we analyze each of our achievements we will soon discover that it all started with the goal that we wanted to achieve. Well-defined goals, tackled with competence and confidence through a proper plan of action are the building blocks of achievements. They are our escalators to tomorrow, a vehicle that takes you to success.

What are some of the important points to remember when you go about setting goals and planning for them?

1. Your goals should be “SMART”.
It is very important that your goals be:
• Specific
• Measurable
• Attainable
• Realistic
• Timebound
2. What ever you do, put your whole mind to it.
In America, Swami Vivekananda saw some kids standing on a bridge, shooting eggshells floating in the lake. The children were always off the target. Swamiji took a gun, stood still for few minutes and then fired twelve shots. Each time it hit an eggshell, Swamiji turned around and told the awe-struck boys, “What ever you do put your whole mind into it. If you’re shooting, your mind should be on the target. If you’re learning, think only of the lesson.”

3. Be and act enthusiastic.
The worst bankrupt is the person who has lost enthusiasm. Let one lose everything but enthusiasm and that person will come through to success. Of course, there will be difficulties and obstacles. There are two possible attitudes to take at such a time. One is to let it discourage you, making you feel helpless and hopeless. That attitude is disastrous. The other way is to cultivate a positive attitude towards what you can do to solve the problem in the best manner possible.

4. Take effective decisions.
Most people have no idea how much stress they can create through indecision. If you are the kind of person who cannot decide between two courses of action, afraid that the course you choose might turn out to be a mistake, it is important to bear in mind that indecision is expensive and nearly always the worst mistake you can make.

Of course, some decisions require a great deal of thought and maybe some more information. But once all the facts are available, the successful individual will reach a decision and stop thinking about the various pros and cons, so that he can devote all his energy and effort to making the decision work.

5. Avoid Procrastination
Procrastination is the greatest disease that afflicts mankind. Although the disease is wide spread, it is important that we do not ignore it. Successful people do not procrastinate especially in matters they know are important to them. Someone has rightly said, “People don’t fail because they intend to fail. They fail because they fail to do what they intend to do.”

To sum up, setting “SMART” goals, putting your whole mind to the task at hand, being enthusiastic, taking effective decisions and avoiding procrastination are five keys to help you climb higher in life.

Nikhil Desai is an international trainer, motivator and speaker.