Thursday, November 26, 2009

Making Most Out of The New World of Work

Patty DeDominic

The Author, "At Work"

Today I was thinking about many things to be thankful for and had a chance to review material submitted recently for a Green publication on making the most out of technology.    Another friend lamented his wishes to return to the good old days when things were simpler.  I reminded him that while things did seem simpler, slower and more sincere, they were also more limiting for many people.

I love that technology enables us to be connected 24/7 IF we choose to be and that for increasing numbers of us, connectivity  enables us to smell the flowers AND work flexibly when WE choose.    That is what I have tried to do these past few years since I sold my large firm and became a "micro-enterprise" with only virtual employees.   Not just to smell the flowers...... but to take time to learn their names and discern which ones have fragrances that I love and which ones don't even have a smell to me!

Here are a few tips to remember about the New World of Work:

1. Give your life some added dimension, if you work at home enjoy the comforts but don’t forget to stay stimulated by being involved in your community.  Your growth has got to be internal and externally stimulated to be maximized.

2. Make new contacts, friends, links etc, but remember that your long term relations, grown with experience and credibility are like gold.

3. Learn from everyone you come in contact with/ consider a job or success coach! Executive, artistic and life coaches are a fast growing profession.   Reach out and find those who can make a big difference in your enjoyment of your work and your life.

4. There is power in focus…..decide what your passion is and pursue it to make the world a better place.    This is a key that all top performers and  CEO's know about...... being busy is not a good solution, being Effective is much better.     You are more effective when you have prioritized your opportunities and focus on the 20 percent of the activities which bring 80 percent of the desired results.



Fay Feeney said...

Patty, Thanks for a great post. The networked world of web 2.0 has given me an opportunity to seek out people who share interests not geography. Being border-less supplements and strengthens my focus. Happy Thanksgiving.

Andrew Jost said...

Great post Patty, as an espiring entrepreneur and expected graduate of UCSB I am looking forward to making those life long connections that you talk about. Thanks again!

- AJ