Monday, October 6, 2014

34 Crucial Tips for Your Next Job Interview

Thank you, Katie White for sharing this intriguing infographic. I hope these tips help you along in your next job interview!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Don't Play It Safe--Grow Your Small Business, Find Your Dream Job & More!

Playing it Safe?

The time to play it safe has passed.

Go out of your comfort zone and find a whole new world of opportunities!!
Here are two people who did that and who made a big difference for me and others. 

One is David Finkel. He’s the founder of Maui Mastermind and my business partner.  He wrote a great book called Build a Business, Not a Job! and he is offering it for free to anyone who wants an e-copy. Claim your free book at them Patty sent you, please!      

Here’s a great recorded interview with a former client of mine,  NEW college grad Logan Frye  (listen to his audio interview on this blog): Logan's Job Hunt Story - short audio        

I was Logan’s Career Coach and now I am a coach to business owners who wish to plan their growth and their business exit strategies. Logan Frye used a combination of Social Media  (Linked In, Facebook, Monster, and plenty of other online resources to find his dream job in his dream city of Manhattan, New York. He took a leap of faith and moved from Michigan where the new college grad blended his elbow grease with shoe leather and knocked on plenty of doors.  

You, too, can find your dream job by first deciding what the qualities of the job or the people you will work with are. Once you decide what's more important to you, you can begin to follow up leads and tell friends and interviewers what you prefer.   Most of the people who agree to see you for informational interviews want to help people who are eager to help themselves and who pay it forward.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Turn Your Social Media Savvy Into a Career!

Interested in social media marketing? Check out this infographic from to see what you need to do to get your foot in the door!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Spotlight On: Jack Canfield, Author & Leader

I’d like to give a big shout out to a great  public figure: Jack Canfield, a well-known Santa Barbarian, author, and inspiration to millions.
Jack went WAY out of his comfort zones and built a business which continues to inspire millions. Jack told me and other members of YPO a few years back that he got hundreds of rejections in the beginning. That some days he felt like he was the only person who believed in himself. Thank goodness he kept going in spite of discomfort and rejection.    
KUDOS to Jack for becoming one of the best-selling authors of all time, and most of all for the beautiful messages he constantly share through his work, his books and his programs. We can all learn from the tenacity and willingness to believe in himself from Jack and others who inspire with their deeds and their words. Your community might be on line or blended as with most of us.
Now is the time to get out of your comfort zone and give back in ways greater and more effectively than ever before. YOU will be the big-time winner here.
You will grow your skills and your network.

Better Skills + Stronger Network =   Greater Net worth

Like Jack says repeatedly in his good books "Key to Living," "Life Lessons," or the "Chicken Soup" series:

"Don't worry about failures; worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try."

"Most everything you want it out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want it just outside your comfort zone."

“There are essentially two things that will make you wise -- the books you read and the people you meet.”